IT Automation with Python Certificate

Take your IT skills further with an advanced certificate in IT Automation with Python. This program builds on the foundations of the Google IT Support Certificate and shows you how to program with Python and use Python to automate common system administration tasks.

  • Earn an employer-recognized certificate
  • 100% remote, online learning
  • Under 10 hours of study per week*
Kyle A., Google IT Automation with Python Certificate graduate Kyle A., Google IT Automation with Python Certificate graduate

Advance your career in IT, with help from Google

Expand your knowledge in information technology with practical, hands-on projects featuring Python, Git, and IT automation to further your career and open up new career opportunities.


median salary in IT Automation1


open jobs in IT Automation1

Grow your career in IT

This program builds on your IT foundations to help you take your career to the next level. It’s designed to teach you how to program with Python and how to use Python to automate common system administration tasks. You'll also learn to use Git and GitHub, troubleshoot and debug complex problems, and apply automation at scale by using configuration management and the Cloud.

  • IT Support II
  • Systems Administrator
  • Senior IT Support Technician

Learn more about the certificate


IT Automation with Python Certificate

Hosted on Coursera, this fully online program is designed for learners familiar with basic IT concepts. This advanced program builds on those foundations to take your career to the next level.

Prepare for jobs such as:

  • IT Support II
  • Systems Administrator
  • Senior IT Support Technician
  • Get on the fast track to in-demand jobs with top employers

    Complete a Google Career Certificate to get exclusive access to CareerCircle, which offers free 1-on-1 coaching, interview and career support, and a job board to connect directly with employers, including over 150 companies in the Google Career Certificates Employer Consortium.

    Complete online certificate courses, at your own pace and time.

    Complete online certificate courses, at your own pace and time.

    Access career resources like coaching sessions, mock interviews, and a resume builder tool.

    Access career resources like coaching sessions, mock interviews, and a resume builder tool.

    Share your resume and get connected with national and local employers.

    Share your resume and get connected with national and local employers.

    Need more foundational skills? Check out the Google IT Support Certificate.

    Whether you’re just getting started or want to take the next step in the high-growth field of IT, IT training from Google can help you gain in-demand skills. You’ll learn about troubleshooting, customer support, system administration, and Python – and discover how to effectively utilize AI in IT support.

    Need more foundational skills? Check out the Google IT Support Certificate.

    Whether you’re just getting started or want to take the next step in the high-growth field of IT, IT training from Google can help you gain in-demand skills. You’ll learn about troubleshooting, customer support, system administration, and Python – and discover how to effectively utilize AI in IT support.

    Frequently asked questions

    What Google IT certificates are available?

    There are two Google IT certificates available: an introductory-level IT Support Certificate and this advanced-level IT Automation with Python Certificate.

    Who is the Google IT Automation with Python Certificate for?

    The Google IT Automation with Python Certificate is designed for graduates of the Google IT Support Certificate or people with equivalent information technology experience.

    What are the prerequisites for the advanced IT Automation with Python Certificate?

    The prerequisites for the IT Automation with Python Certificate include familiarity with basic IT concepts and operating systems, files and processes, and networking and data management. The program builds on your IT foundations to help you take your career to the next level. No previous knowledge of coding is required.

    What IT courses are included in the Google IT Automation with Python Certificate curriculum?

    IT courses included in the Google IT Automation with Python Certificate curriculum are:

    • Crash Course on Python
    • Using Python to Interact with the Operating System
    • Introduction to Git and GitHub
    • Troubleshooting and Debugging Techniques
    • Configuration Management and the Cloud
    • Automating Real-World Tasks with Python

    What is Python programming?

    Python is a general-purpose computer programming language used to build websites and software, automate tasks, and conduct data analysis. Python is used to automate common system administrator tasks, and it's one of the most in-demand programming languages used by employers today.

    What are the advantages of learning Python?

    There are many advantages to learning Python programming. Adding Python to your skill set builds on your IT knowledge foundation and can prepare you to advance in your IT career. Knowing how to write code to solve problems and automate solutions is a crucial skill for anybody working in IT today. Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world.

    Who designed the Google IT Automation with Python Certificate?

    The Google IT Automation with Python Certificate was designed and built by subject-matter experts and senior practitioners at Google – real-world professionals with strong backgrounds in IT support, working in fields such as operations engineering, security, site reliability engineering, and systems administration. The certificate was created to equip learners with theoretical and practical knowledge and real-life problem-solving skills to be successful in their current role or to achieve career advancement.

    What other languages is the Google IT Automation with Python Certificates offered in?

    The Google IT Automation with Python Certificate is also available in Spanish and Portuguese.

    Where can I access the Google IT Automation with Python Certificate?

    The Google IT Automation with Python Certificates is available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese on Coursera, an online learning platform that offers access to self-paced, virtual courses.

    What is the Google Career Certificates Employer Consortium? Can it help me find IT jobs after graduating from the Google IT Automation with Python program?

    The Google Career Certificates Employer Consortium consists of over 150 U.S. companies like HCL, World Wide Technology, Infosys, AT&T, Wells Fargo, and Google. These companies span multiple sectors and are committed to considering Google IT Certificate graduates for open positions. Upon completion of the Google IT Automation with Python Certificates, you’ll gain access to an exclusive job platform where you can easily apply for career opportunities from employers with open IT jobs.

    Employers interested in joining the Google Career Certificates Employer Consortium can find more information at

    What other kind of support is available after I complete the Google IT Automation with Python Certificate?

    In addition to expert training and hands-on projects designed to prepare you for a job in IT, you’ll get exclusive access to CareerCircle, which offers free 1-on-1 coaching, interview and career support, and a job board to connect directly with employers, including over 150 companies in the Google Career Certificates Employer Consortium.

    The Google Career Certificates Employer Consortium consists of over 150 U.S. companies like HCL, World Wide Technology, Infosys, AT&T, Wells Fargo, and Google. These companies span multiple sectors and are committed to considering Google IT Certificate graduates for open positions.

    Why did Google create the IT Automation with Python program?

    Google created the IT Automation with Python program because we faced the same issue many other companies did – open IT roles and not enough qualified candidates to fill them. We began working with a nonprofit organization to provide training and pathways to roles in technical support at Google, and learned that not only is IT support a highly teachable field, but that we could teach the IT fundamentals to someone completely new to the industry in under six months. We decided to build an IT training program on Coursera, created entirely by Googlers who are experts in IT support, so this training could be available to everyone.

    How much does the Google IT Automation with Python Certificate cost?

    The Google IT Automation with Python Certificate costs $49 per month on Coursera after an initial 7-day free trial period. All Google Career Certificates are completely self-paced. At about 10 hours of study per week, many learners complete a Google Career Certificate in 3-6 months.

    Is financial assistance available for the Google IT Automation with Python Certificate?

    You may be eligible for financial assistance for the Google IT Automation with Python Certificate via Coursera through the course page. Recipients of financial assistance will have full access to course content and assignments required to earn a certificate. To apply, go to the certificate course page on Coursera and click the “Financial aid available” link next to the “Enroll” button.

    Google has also funded 100,000 scholarships for Google Career Certificates, which will be distributed by Grow with Google partners and grantees like Merit America, Per Scholas, NPower, Goodwill, Futuro Health, Generation USA, UnidosUS, LULAC, and Hispanic Federation. These funds will create a lasting impact in helping people land high-quality jobs in high-growth fields.

    Can I get college credit for taking the Google IT Automation with Python Certificate?

    If you’re planning to attend a degree program, you can utilize ACE®️ recommendations, the industry standard for translating workplace learning into college credit. Learners can earn a recommendation of 15 college credits for completing the Google IT Support or IT Automation with Python Certificates, the equivalent of 5 college courses at a bachelor’s degree level. This aims to help open up additional pathways to learners who are interested in higher education, and prepare them for entry-level jobs.

    To share proof of completion with schools, certificate graduates will receive an email prompting them to claim their Credly badge, which contains the ACE®️ credit recommendation. Once claimed, they’ll receive a competency-based transcript that signifies the credit recommendation, which can be shared directly with a school from the Credly platform. Please note that the decision to accept specific credit recommendations is up to each institution and is not guaranteed.

    Google IT Automation with Python Certificate graduates who also pass the CompTIA A+ certification exams will earn a dual credential from CompTIA and Google.

    Why is Python important?

    The world of IT is changing rapidly, and knowing how to write code to solve problems and automate solutions is a crucial skill for anybody in IT. Python, in particular, is now the most in-demand programming language for employers. More than 530,000 U.S. job postings currently require Python proficiency, including 75,000 entry-level jobs, according to Burning Glass. The Google IT Automation with Python Certificate will equip you with the latest job-ready skills to help you take your career to the next level.

    What background knowledge is necessary for the Google IT Automation with Python Certificate?

    This course requires no previous knowledge of programming. Familiarity with basic IT concepts, like operating systems, files and processes, networking, and data management will be required in further courses. For learners with no IT background at all, we recommend taking the Google IT Support Certificate.